Call For Submissions: Harlin’s Annual Photography Show Entry Dates Coming Up April 29th & 30th

The Harlin Museum of West Plains, MO is set to host its Annual Photography Show Competition for 2022 and is calling for photography submissions from all of the Ozark’s regional photogs—both amateur and professional. Entry dates for the show’s competition will be Friday, April 29th, and Saturday, April 30th from 12 pm-4 pm each day at the museum. The show’s entries will be on display in the museum’s Hathcock Gallery, from May 6th – to May 29th, 2022.

Final categories for this competition show will be determined by the entries received; but general categories will likely include Color photos, Monochromatic photos, Altered photos, which are those that have been edited post-process w/ digital software or other means of photo manipulation to create an artificial image,.and Collage pieces, which are any entry consisting of multiple photos arranged as a part of a larger piece to portray an overall theme, statement, or intent.

There will also be a special themed category that will receive its own special award; the theme of this category will be:   * Pets *

All entries will be evaluated on their individual application of Technical Quality, Composition, Lighting, Presentation, and  Creativity / Impact.

Entries must meet the given guidelines for acceptance into the competition portion of the show. Guidelines for entry, as well as entry fee amounts and other pertinent information, can be found below.  Entrants may submit their entry form online at https://harlinmuseum.com/events/events%20&%20activities/entry-dates-2022-photo-show/ or fill one out on the day of entry.

All other inquiries should be emailed to the museum at [email protected] or relayed via telephone to show organizer Vicki Warren-Martin at 870-706-7863 (text or call).