Help Us Identify The Names On This International Shoe Co. Signature Quilt From West Plains, MO!

We need your help!!

Our museum was lucky enough to receive a most interesting artifact donation in 2019……..

We received a signature quilt made for an employee of West Plains’ International Shoe Company on the occasion of her retirement in 1985.  It is currently on display as a part of our annual Fiber & Textile Arts Show, and…..we need assistance identifying some of the names on the quilt.

As typical with Signature Quilts, the involved parties signed their names on blocks of this quilt—mostly in script/cursive lettering—and after the names were stitched over to complete the blocks, some of the names became hard to read. So, we are asking those of you in the community who might recognize the name of a relative or someone they know who was formerly employed with ISC at the West Plains factory to take a look and see if they can make out some of these signatures—-and please, share this post with those you know!

Here are the names we are looking to clarify:

Almeda ____________ ?  (Possibly Farrell OR Forrell OR Farnell OR Fomell)


__________________ Harris


Reta ___________  (Possibly Cross OR Crass OR ?)


Helen _____________?  (Possibly Comer OR Gomer)


Donna _______________? (Possibly Fore OR Tore OR Fare)


______________ Lee Jolliff (Possibly Noma OR Nana OR?)


This one has proved ESPECIALLY difficult. We need help with both the first and the last name!

Clara? S_________ ?

We appreciate all suggestions so, please, share with anyone who might have knowledge of employees that worked at the International Shoe Co. in West Plains, MO., around 1985.  You can contact us via our FB Page or email us at [email protected]. Thank you in advance!