Congratulations To The Winners Of Our 2024 Textile & Fiber Arts Show!

We are happy to announce that winners have been chosen for this year’s annual textile and fiber arts show!

The ribbon for Best Of Show has been awarded to Gena Stout of West Plains, MO for her woven entry, “Suitable Memories Rug.” The artist had this to say about the piece:

This woven rug is meant to be an heirloom piece. I was able to save some of my Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom, and step-Mom;s suits from years past. I then had to cut them apart and strip them into one-inch strips before weaving. My grandpa’s suits were the black wool, gray puinstripe, and blue pinstripe. I even found a gold child’s locket in one of the suit jacket pockets!…would love to know the story behind that. My grandma’s items were a navy crepe dress, a black wool skirt, a heather gray wool skirt, and a royal blue wool skirt. I fondly remember her wearing some of these things. My dad’s items were from the 1970s: a tan polyester suit, a brown polyester suit,a black suit, and dark gray corduroy pants. I remember his super wide neckties. My mom’s items were a brown wool plaid skirt, a brown wool skirt, a black herringbone wool suit, and a blue herringbone suit that had a twenty-two-inch waist. She was very petite. My step-mom’s item was a navy poplin suit. I made a total of eight rugs from these items during COVID—one for each of my siblings, their children, and my parents.


In the textile arts category, First Place was awarded to Connie Workman of West Plains, MO for her entry, “Hydrangea Quilt”, a handsome and colorful smaller-size quilt featuring the purple flower from the quilt’s title with patterned green leaves and purple-toned border.

Second Place went to another quilt entry from Connie Workman, this one titled, “Purr-sistence, A Grids Girl Mystery” and featuring a brown color scheme of patterned quilt stars.

And, Third Place went to a pre-made baby quilt with a stamped pattern under framed glass, “Embroidery Quilt” finished by Darlene Stanley of West Plains, MO.


In the fiber arts category, First Place was awarded to Mary Norseworthy of Peace Valley, MO for her entry “Standing Deer,” a magnificent crochet-cross stitch blanket with the image of a well-antlered buck.

Second Place went to the stunning marigold-colored entry “Handspun Alpaca & Merino Wool Shawl” by Sarah Redmond of Summersville, MO.

And, finally, in Third Place in the fiber arts category, Mary Norseworthy took home another ribbon for her tapestry crochet entry, “Faces Bag” with its minimalist-style cream and rust-colored overlapping faces.



Included with the competition entries, there was also a signature quilt made by the employees of the International Shoe Company in West Plains, MO; another signature quilt by the Order of the Eastern Star (which was purchased at an estate auction, so, it’s origin is a bit of a mystery!!! Anyone with info on it is encouraged to contact the museum); a beautifully-colored hexagon quilt; and a blue & white quilt that is being raffled off by the museum as a fundraiser—contact any board member or stop in at the museum to purchase your raffle tickets! The drawing for the quilt will be during the Ozarks Symposium event in September 2024.

Congratulations to all the entrants and kudos to the winners–there were SO many examples of great textile and fiber artistry in this year’s show!